Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Board of directors decision of who will run both SMACKDOW AN RAW SUPERSHOW

Both Raw and SmackDown are about to get extreme makeovers. In an effort to help determine which General Manager should control both shows, the WWE Board of Directors has decided to switch control of each show next week. SmackDown GM Theodore Long will take control of Monday night’s Raw while Raw GM John Laurinaitis takes the reins of next Friday’s SmackDown.

The decision comes one week after Laurinaitis announced at Elimination Chamber that he will seek control over both shows, bolstered by flattering testimonials by Superstars Mark Henry, Christian and Alberto Del Rio. A perturbed Long made it clear to Laurinaitis that he’s not about to take the threat to his position lying down.

Last week on SmackDown, the two got into a heated argument as they tried to overrule one another during a match between WWE Champion CM Punk vs. World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan. Last night on Raw SuperShow, the two were at it again as tensions continued to escalate. What will the GMs have in store for their respective rival as they switch roles? And how will each try to outshine the other? Tune into both Raw and SmackDown to see the lengths they’ll go to impress the Board of Directors – and get back at each other.


PORTLAND - With The Road to WrestleMania fully underway, The Rock returned to Raw SuperShow to address his WrestleMania opponent John Cena. Also, the tension between SmackDown General Manager Teddy Long and Interim Raw General Manager John Laurinaitis continued to intensify with rumors circulating about the state of both brands. Also, the rivalry between Chris Jericho and WWE Champion CM Punk reaches a boiling point with both Superstars ready to prove who is the best in the world.
The Rock addressed the WWE Universe (PHOTOS | WATCH)
The Great One returned to WWE Raw SuperShow to remind the WWE Universe that without them, The Rock would never exist. The Brahama Bull then turned his attention to his WrestleMania XXVIII opponent John Cena. The Rock had many choice words for John Cena and whenever he hurled an insult at his WrestleMania opponent, the Portland crowd would chant in unison. The Great One explained to John Cena that he was fighting for the people and that he lived to entertain the people. As The People's Champion continued, John Cena made his way to the ring to counter The Rock's insults and fire back his own. When Cena left, The Rock said it didn't matter what Cena said, at WrestleMania, both Superstars would put everything on the line. To watch The Rock's address, play the video above.
WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels will return to WWE Raw SuperShow next week!
The Board of Directors will have a special announcement about Raw SuperShow and SmackDown at 10 AM EST on WWE.com
Sheamus & Big Show def. Mark Henry & Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes (PHOTOS | WATCH)
Before the contest began, Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes took the opportunity to mock Big Show and remind him of his loss to the 150-pound boxer Floyd Mayweather at WrestleMania XXIV (WATCH). As Rhodes and Big Show prepared to start the match, the Intercontinental Champion immediately tagged in Mark Henry. The World's Strongest Man didn't even have a chance to enter the ring before The World's Largest Athlete unleashed his fury. Mark Henry never had a chance to recover as he was run over by Big Show. However, Big Show turned his attention to Cody Rhodes who left ringside and retreated up the entrance ramp. This allowed Henry a chance to recover, but Sheamus tagged himself in and took down The World's Strongest Man with a powerful Brogue Kick for the win.
Eve addressed the WWE Universe (PHOTOS | WATCH)
One week after revealing that she used Zack Ryder, Eve addressed the WWE Universe and explained that she is "a woman in a man's world." She explained that she has no problem using men to achieve her goals. She implored the WWE Universe not to blame her for her natural strengths, but to blame their weaknesses.
After she left the ring, Kelly Kelly confronted Eve and asked her what has gotten into her. Eve responded by laughing in Kelly's face and walking away.
Teddy Long and John Laurinaitis argued over rumors about the leadership of Raw and SmackDown
WWE Tag Team Champions Primo & Epico def. Kofi Kingston & R-Truth and Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger (PHOTOS)
In perhaps their most impressive WWE Tag Team Championship defense yet, Primo & Epico managed to defeat two formidable teams in a Triple Threat Tag Team Match. Early on in the contest, Kofi Kingston's fast-paced offense seemed to be too much for his opponents to handle. However, in a contest with so many talented Superstars and strong pairings, no one could maintain momentum for too long. Each tag team seemed poised to outdo the other on their way to the tag team titles. However, Primo & Epico's teamwork was what ultimately led them to victory leaving the WWE Universe with no doubt as to why they are the WWE Tag Team Champions.
The celebration for Primo & Epico was short-lived as the entrance way exploded in a burst of fire and Kane made his return to Raw SuperShow. The Big Red Monster made his way to the ring and laid out every Superstar involved in the contest. Although Primo & Epico retained their titles, an enraged Kane spread his message of hate at their expense.
John Cena def. The Miz (PHOTOS | WATCH)
Nearly a year removed from their epic clash at WrestleMania XXVII, John Cena battled The Miz on WWE Raw Supershow. Before the contest was underway, The Miz needed to get something off his chest. The Miz claimed that no one has worked harder than he has, but yet he is upset because he does not have a match at WrestleMania. The Miz was fully prepared to prove he was ready for WrestleMania by defeating the same Superstar he defeated at The Show of Shows last year.
When The Awesome One was done talking, the opening bell rang and the two Superstars immediately collided. Both Cena and The Miz has something at stake in this contest. Somewhere, The Rock was watching John Cena's every move, no doubt studying Cena's style and strategy. For The Miz, this was a great opportunity for him to prove he is ready to main event another WrestleMania. Momentum swings were fairly even in the contest, but Cena's offensive continually proved to be much more effective. Following an Attitude Adjustment, Cena locked Miz in the STF for the victory.
As Cena celebrated his victory, The Rock appeared on the TitanTron and simply waved his hand across his face, mocking his WrestleMania opponent.
Kelly Kelly def. Nikki Bella (PHOTOS | WATCH)
No doubt thinking about the recent actions of her friend Eve, Kelly Kelly squared off against Nikki Bella on WWE Raw SuperShow. The lovely Divas battled back and forth and each showed off impressive displays of athleticism. As Kelly Kelly built a fair amount of momentum, Brie Bella tried to distract the blonde bombshell, perhaps attempting Twin Magic. Kelly knocked Brie off the apron, but was rolled up by Nikki. However, Kelly Kelly proved why she is one of WWE's top Divas and reversed the pin into one of her own to secure the victory.
WWE Champion CM Punk vs. World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan ended in a No Contest (PHOTOS | WATCH)
Not to be outdone by SmackDown General Manager Teddy Long, Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and Interim General Manager of Raw John Laurinaitis decided to kick-off the final WWE Raw of February with a rematch between WWE Champion CM Punk and World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan. After Chris Jericho and CM Punk's heated exchange, Bryan made his way to the ring. A distraction from Mr. Laurinaitis before the opening bell allowed Bryan the early advantage but CM Punk quickly ran the World Champion out of the ring.
With the match officially underway, the WWE Universe was treated to another competitive match-up between WWE's best. The action spilled in and out of the ring under the close observation of both General Managers. However, both Punk and Jericho seemed to know each others style of competition very well. With both champions reeling from a collision inside the ring, chaos ensued on the outside. Santino Marella and David Otunga found themselves in a minor skirmish that was broken up by Mr. Laurinaitis. As Teddy Long, Laurinaitis and the official argued on the outside, Daniel Bryan tried to make an escape.
As the World Heavyweight Champion walked up the entrance ramp, Sheamus attacked, tossing Bryan back in the ring. This assist from The Celtic Warrior allowed the WWE Champion to execute the GTS on Daniel Bryan. However, before the official could make the count, Mr. Laurinaitis ran in the ring and prevented Punk's victory. This resulted in a confrontation between Laurinaitis and Long. With the match seemingly called off, CM Punk walked away from the ring. As he proudly displayed his title, the WWE Champion was brutally attacked by Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho confronted WWE Champion CM Punk (PHOTOS | WATCH)
Ready for his Champion vs. Champion rematch against World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan, WWE Champion CM Punk was faced with his WrestleMania XXVIII opponent Chris Jericho. WWE's first-ever Undisputed Champion had one message for CM Punk: Chris Jericho is "the best in the world at what he does." However, as Jericho ranted, pleading his case, CM Punk remained unfazed and went on the attack. Claiming that Jericho has a "Napoleon complex," The Voice of the Voiceless questioned if Jericho wasn't trying to prove to the WWE Universe that he was the best in the world, but trying to prove it to himself.
Jericho continued to claim that even while he was away on "Dancing With the Stars," he would watch Punk rip him off. Yet Punk countered that all Jericho ever had to do was challenge him at WrestleMania rather than attack him on Raw. Punk ended the confrontation promising that he would remain WWE Champion and the two Superstars could put on the "greatest wrestling match in WrestleMania history."

Saturday, February 25, 2012


ROCKFORD, IL  – In a roller coaster Champion vs. Champion Match between WWE Champion CM Punk and World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan, the involvement of two WWE General Managers turned SuperSmackDown's main event upside down.
The Match between WWE Champion CM Punk and World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan ended in a Double Pin (WATCH | PHOTOS)
When Sheamus’ involvement in the main event between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan caused the World Heavyweight Champion to lose, Interim Raw GM John Laurinaitis came to the ring and restarted the match!
Moments later, when Bryan used the ropes to win, SmackDown GM Theodore Long started it again!
Then, with both determined General Managers at ringside, the explosive match ended with both Superstars pinning each other at the same time.
As a result, SuperSmackDown went off the air in absolute controversy, with Laurinaitis holding Bryan’s hand in the air and Teddy holding Punk's.
David Otunga def. Ezekiel Jackson (WATCH | PHOTOS)
After losing to David Otunga on Raw SuperShow, Ezekiel Jackson demanded a rematch on SuperSmackDown LIVE. But after The Personification of Domination failed to end things with the Torture Rack, Otunga turned the tides, throwing his opponent to the canvas for his second triumph in 24 hours.  
Mark Henry def. Big Show by Count-out (WATCH PHOTOS)
Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes interrupted Big Show's clash with Mark Henry to show a video of The World's Largest Athlete losing to Sumo Wrestler Akebono at WrestleMania 21. Though the giant hit the WMD on The World's Strongest Man, he was so embarrassed by Rhodes' display that he chased him away from the ring, allowing the out-cold Henry to pick up the win by count-out.
The Great Khali def. Drew McIntyre (WATCH | PHOTOS)
The Great Khali made quick, but brutal, work out of The Chosen One, hitting McIntyre with the devastating Punjabi Plunge for the three-count. 
United States Champion Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler def. Kofi Kingston & R-Truth (WATCH | PHOTOS)
In a whirlwind match, the echoing screams from Vickie Guerrero outside the ring provided enough commotion for Dolph Ziggler to hit the Zig Zag on Kofi Kingston for the huge tag team victory. 
SmackDown General Manager Theodore Long introduced Interim Raw GM John Laurinaitis to his "special" office (WATCH)
Sheamus def. The Miz (WATCH | PHOTOS)
The Miz emerged at the start of SuperSmackDown LIVE, congratulating his one-time NXT Rookie World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan, for main-eventing the upcoming WrestleMania. But, Sheamus soon interrupted to put a stop to their buddy fest. After Bryan slapped The Great White and exited the ring, Miz took the opportunity to attack The Celtic Warrior from behind. For his trouble, Sheamus expelled him from the ring. 
As a result of their altercation, SmackDown General Manager Theodore Long made a match between Sheamus and Miz. After a tremendous showdown, the No. 1 contender to the World Heavyweight Championship hurled his prey to the canvas for the three-count.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – After leveling some harsh criticism at Triple H, Undertaker finally got The Game to agree to face him at WrestleMania ... but it will be on Triple H's terms: Hell in a Cell. Chris Jericho won a Battle Royal, making him the No. 1 Contender to WWE Champion CM Punk. And as The Show of Shows draws near, John Cena vowed to beat The Rock in his own hometown of Miami on April 1.
Chris Jericho won a 10-Man No. 1 Contender's Battle Royal; will face WWE Champion CM Punk at WrestleMania
 (WATCH | PHOTOS)Jericho-PunkWith WWE Champion CM Punk joining the Raw announce team, 10 competitors from last night’s Elimination Chamber Matches fought for the chance to face Punk on The Grandest Stage of Them All. One of the biggest threats was eliminated first when The Great Khali was tossed from the ring. Next to go was The Miz, as well as his dream of headlining WrestleMania. Then, Wade Barrett and R-Truth were both eliminated by Santino Marella. Big Show eliminated Doph Ziggler by tossing him onto the announce table. Out next was Kofi Kingston, who was sent flying from the ring by Jericho.
The final four were Big Show, Santino Marella, Cody Rhodes and Chris Jericho. First to go out of the final group was Santino, who was eliminated by Rhodes. Then it was down to two when Show eliminated Rhodes. Then as The World's Largest Athlete appeared ready to put away Jericho as the two tangled on the ropes, Rhodes interfered, pulling Big Show from the ring apron, sealing the win for Jericho.
After the bout, Punk entered the ring to stare down his No. 1 Contender. When the WWE Champion offered a handshake to Jericho, he refused and walked out of the ring. (WRESTLEMANIA PREVIEW)

John CenaJohn Cena vowed to beat The Rock at WrestleMania (WATCH)
With Rock coming to Raw SuperShow next week (WATCH), John Cena had harsh words for The Rock, saying he’s no longer The People’s Champion, but he’s a champion with people, referring to the entourage around him. After strongly criticizing Rock for returning, but not sticking around WWE, Cena vowed to beat The Rock in his hometown of Miami on April 1.

The Bella Twins def. Aksana & Kelly Kelly (WATCH)
In a quick encounter, Aksana was on the losing end of Twin Magic.

World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan def. Santino Marella (WATCH | PHOTOS)Daniel Bryan - SantinoUsing the LeBell Lock, World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan put away Santino Marella. Tomorrow on a LIVE SuperSmackDown, Bryan takes on WWE Champion CM Punk (WATCH).

Triple H accepted Undertaker’s WrestleMania challenge; two to square off in Hell in Cell (WATCH)
After calling the last year hell because of uncertainty, Undertaker called out Triple H. Saying he was shocked Triple H said “no” to his WrestleMania challenge, The Phenom continued to push for an answer.
At first Triple H said, “I’m sorry, but the answer is no” and walked away from the ring.
Triple H - UndertakerBut as the WWE COO walked up the exit ramp, Undertaker finally got what he wanted by saying: “You know Shawn (Michaels) was always better than you.”
With those biting words, Triple H removed his jacket and tie and strutted back to the ring to confront The Deadman. “I can do what Shawn couldn’t do … I can finish it. I know it. You know it ... You want this? You want WrestleMania? You want it all to come to a head? You want an end? You got it!”
But before he left, The Game added one more thing: “We do this. We go all the way. No return. No uncertainty. No excuses. The Streak ends. The era ends. You get your end. We do this, we go all the way. I will face you at WrestleMania under one condition … Hell in a Cell.”
After finally getting what he wanted, Undertaker shot one more ominous gaze at his foe and exited the ring. (WRESTLEMANIA PREVIEW)

David Otunga def. Ezekiel Jackson (WATCH | PHOTOS)OtungaWith Interim Raw GM John Laurinaitis and SmackDown GM Theodore Long watching from ringside, David Otunga planted big Ezekiel Jackson into the canvas for the powerful win.

Ron Simmons to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2012 (WATCH)
Check out Ron Simmons' Superstar profile.

The Rock to return to Raw (WATCH)
Next week, The Rock returns to Raw SuperShow.

Kofi KingstonKofi Kingston & R-Truth def. 
WWE Tag Team Champions Primo & Epico in a Non-Title Match (WATCH | PHOTOS)
In a fast bout, Kofi Kingston & Truth stunned the WWE Tag Team Champions when Kofi Kingston rocked Primo with Trouble in Paradise for the non-title upset victory.

10-Man No. 1 Contender's Battle Royal announced (WATCH)
After David Otunga suggested Interim Raw General Manager John Laurinaitis run both Raw and SmackDown at last night’s Elimination Chamber, SmackDown GM Theodore Long came to Raw to defend his brand and job. After Teddy said he thinks the WWE Universe should decide who they think would do the better job managing Raw and SmackDown, Laurinaitis said he only cares what the WWE Board of Directors thinks. After a few tense moments, Laurinaitis announced a 10-Man No. 1 Contender's Battle Royal. The participants would include all those who competed in, but did not win, last night's Chamber matches. The winner would earn the right to face WWE Champion CM Punk at WrestleMania. 

Sheamus def. Mark Henry (WATCH | PHOTOS)Sheamus-HenryIn brutal contest between two of WWE’s fiercest competitors, Sheamus and Mark Henry went to war. After thwarting a World’s Strongest Slam, The Celtic Warrior dropped Henry with a brutal Brogue Kick. 
Undertaker delivered a message for Triple H (WATCH)
In another message for Triple H, Undertaker said he will write his ending tonight.

EveA tearful Eve begged for John Cena’s forgiveness 
After saying her words were taken out of context, Eve tried her best to explain her actions to John Cena. But as she kept backpedaling, Cena pummeled her with his stinging words. Calling her disingenuous and more harsh names, Cena said she and The Rock are perfect for each other. As the WWE Universe got behind Cena’s taunting, Eve fell to her knees and cried. Then as she did her best to plant another kiss on Cena, he avoided her clutches, threw one more insult at her and rushed out of the ring, leaving her in tears.

Eve admitted to using Zack Ryder and said she’d do the same to John Cena
At the start of Raw SuperShow, Eve stunned the entire WWE Universe by calling Zack Ryder an idiot and admitting to The Bella Twins that she used him. And in another shocking confession, Eve said she plans to use John Cena just like she did Ryder by getting the jump on apologizing to him first. But, just as she was about to enact her plan, Cena appeared directly behind her.
Chris Jericho cleared to compete
Before Raw SuperShow, it was announced that Chris Jericho was medically cleared to compete (FULL STORY). 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Zack Ryder responds about what happenned when Eve kissed Cena

The passionate kiss Eve and John Cena shared Monday night left the WWE Universe stunned. However, no one was more surprised by the pre-Valentine’s Day smooch than Zack Ryder. As the wheelchair-bound Long Island Iced-Z was gearing up to profess his love for Eve, he caught the Diva of his dreams locking lips with his best friend following Kane’s attempted kidnapping. (WATCH) To make matters worse, The Big Red Monster viciously tossed Ryder off the stage moments after the emotional Superstar slapped his former friend, Cena, at the explosive close of Raw SuperShow. (PHOTOS | WATCH)

As the extent of Ryder’s injuries has yet to be determined, WWE.com spent a few moments speaking with the ailing, heartbroken Superstar. Although The Long Island Iced-Z was quiet about his injuries, the lovelorn Ryder was vocal and emotional about the shocking kiss that occurred Monday night.

WWE.com: How are you feeling after what happened between Eve and Cena?

ZACK RYDER: Are you serious? "How am I feeling"?! Someone who I thought was my Broski, one of my 
closest friends, gets with the woman I love! How do you think I’m feeling?

WWE.com: Why are you blaming Cena? Eve kissed him, didn't she?

RYDER: Did you see him push her away? Because I didn’t. He’s a liar. He wanted it, too. Everyone wants her. She’s my girl.

WWE.com: Do you think Cena would intentionally betray you?

RYDER: It seems that way, doesn’t it? You saw the show. I don’t go making out with my best friend’s girlfriend.

WWE.com: Will you be rooting for Cena when he fights Kane in Sunday’s Ambulance Match at Elimination Chamber? (PREVIEW)

RYDER: At this point right now, I hope they beat the living hell out of each other.

WWE.com: How are you feeling since Kane wheeled you off the stage Monday night?

RYDER: Are you serious?! (click)

Ryder could not be reached for further comment. Even though the heartbroken Superstar will likely never forget what he witnessed, can he ever forgive Eve and Cena for the kiss which has left him sad, angry and humiliated? Will the hateful mastermind, Kane, continue to torture Cena and the people he cares about – including Ryder and Eve – until he embraces the hate? Watch what unfolds in Cena and Kane's Ambulance Match at Elimination Chamber this Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/5 PT, live on pay-per-view.

Elimination Chamber 2012 results


DarkHunico defeated Alex RileySingles match[12]
1CM Punk (c) defeated Dolph ZigglerChris JerichoThe MizR-Truth, and Kofi KingstonElimination Chamber Match for the WWE Championship[13]
2Beth Phoenix (c) defeated Tamina SnukaSingles match for the WWE Divas Championship[14]
3Daniel Bryan (c) defeated Wade BarrettCody RhodesBig ShowThe Great Khali, and Santino MarellaElimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship[15][16]
4Jack Swagger (c) (with Vickie Guerrero) defeated Justin Gabriel (with Hornswoggle)Singles match for the WWE United States Championship[17]
5John Cena defeated KaneAmbulance Match[10]
(c) – refers to the champion heading into the match

Elimination Chamber entrances and eliminations (SmackDown)

EliminatedWrestlerEnteredEliminated byMethod of eliminationTime
1The Great Khali5Big ShowPinned after a spear
2Big Show1Cody RhodesPinned after an elbow drop from Barrett
3Cody Rhodes3Santino MarellaPinned after a roll-up
4Wade Barrett2Santino MarellaPinned after a diving headbutt from Bryan
5Santino Marella4Daniel BryanSubmitted to the LeBell Lock
WinnerDaniel Bryan6N/AN/AN/A
Note: Mark Henry was supposed to be in this match, but was replaced by Great Khali, due to a suspension by Teddy Long & Randy Orton suffered a concussion on the February 13th edition on Raw thus making a battle royal on SmackDown which was won by Santino.

Elimination Chamber entrances and eliminations (Raw)

EliminatedWrestlerEnteredEliminated byMethod of eliminationTime
1R-Truth4CM PunkPinned after a diving elbow drop
2Dolph Ziggler3Chris JerichoPinned after a Codebreaker
3Kofi Kingston2Chris JerichoSubmitted to the Walls of Jericho
4Chris Jericho6CM PunkCould not continue in the match due to a KO
5The Miz5CM PunkPinned after a G.T.S
WinnerCM Punk1N/AN/AN/A
Note: Chris Jericho earned the right to be the last entrant in the match by winning a Six-Pack Challenge on RAW!