Wednesday, April 25, 2012


WWE taped this week’s Smackdown tonight from the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Below are full results:

WWE Smackdown (Airing Friday on SyFy)

* Daniel Bryan opens the show with a promo. He discusses breaking up with AJ, as well as his performance in Sheamus‘ match on Raw SuperShow in which he acted as guest referee. He is interrupted by Alberto Del Rio, along with Ricardo Rodriguez. Del Rio informs Bryan that, after Extreme Rules, Del Rio will become the champion. The Big Show then interrupts and clears both men from the ring, before chokeslamming Ricardo.

* Alberto Del Rio b. The Big Show in a non-title match after Cody Rhodes interfered.

* A Damien Sandow vignette airs in which Sandow talks about enlightenment.

* Nikki Bella w/ Brie Bella b. Alicia Fox. The Bella Twins won after executing Twin Magic.

* Titus O’Neil & Darren Young b. Ezekiel Jackson & Yoshi Tatsu

* Michael Cole interviewed Randy Orton about his match with Kane at Extreme Rules. Jinder Mahal interrupted and got an RKO for his troubles.

* Antonio Cesaro b. Tyson Kidd in Cesaro’s WWE in-ring debut.

* The Great Khali b. Cody Rhodes after Rhodes got distracted by Big Show‘s entrance music.

* Ryback b. Jacob Kaye, a local talent, in a squash match.

* There is a recap of AJ’s assault on Natalya during last week’s Smackdown.

* Sheamus b. Mark Henry in a non-title match. Daniel Bryan was ringside.

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