Tuesday, April 10, 2012

WWE RAW SUPERSHOW RESULTS:John Cena vs Brock Lesnar at Extreme Rules

WWE Raw Supershow results 9/4/2012:
 -WWE United States Champion Santino Marella and Brodus Clay def Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger with Vickie Guerrero
-R-Truth def Cody Rhodes
-Lord Tensai def Yoshi Tatsu
-Mark Henry def WWE Champion CM Punk by DQ (Punk retains WWE TITLE and after the match Y2J attacked Cm Punk again by hitting twice the codebreaker andmaking him drink bear)
-Alberto Del Rio def Zack Ryder
-John Cena def David Otunga (after the match Lesnar attacked Cena and hit him the F5)

 Brock Lesnar brawled with John Cena(John Cena was bleeding after). Lesnar vs Cena match set for Extreme Rules
 Kane chokeslammed Curly from The Three Stooges.

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